Orlando, Florida & Portland, Maine


Anxiety and stress are running…the…show! Your thoughts are unstoppable. You just can’t control the worry. You’re exhausted and need a break.

Just as you find the answer to one question another “what if” pops up. You struggle to complete tasks until the very last minute.

You make time for “self-care” but find that the stress just won’t leave you alone. You’re getting irritated by little things you used to be able to brush off.

Sleep? What sleep?

Life doesn’t have to be a constant battle with anxiety, stress, and overwhelm!


You may find that simple everyday tasks take you twice as long because you’re worrying excessively over every detail. 

Unsure of yourself and wanting to be liked you rehash every conversation in your head and second-guess everything you said. 

You may feel constantly “keyed up” or “on edge” and unable to relax. You find that you’re snapping at family and friends instead of truly enjoying time with people you love.

You keep your schedule jam-packed with activities so you don’t have to be left alone with your anxiety. It’s effective but really exhausting.

Most days you feel at your max and so when little challenges come your way you explode and your emotions take over.

Your physical body has taken a hit from stress and anxiety. You may notice frequent headaches, struggle to keep weight on, stomach upset, or feel nonstop neck pain. 

Your mid-section…you don’t even want to talk about it. Secretly you wonder if all your stress is really just hiding in your belly. 

Finally, bedtime comes but instead of sleep, you get bombarded with tasks from your to-do list, “what ifs,” and worry. 

No matter how anxiety and stress are showing up for you we will find a solution!


You’re asking yourself what would my life look like without anxiety and stress? Imagine…

  • Accomplishing tasks quickly and feeling confident in your decisions

  • Feeling comfortable in who you are and what you have to offer people

  • Developing healthy ways to navigate everyday stress 

  • Finally enjoying moments that are free of stress and worry

  • Feeling strong enough to deal with challenges that come your way

The possibilities for healing are endless!

Anxiety Counselor Portrait in Orlando, Fl and Portland, ME


I specialize in helping adults overcome anxiety, worry, self-doubt, and overwhelm that is keeping them stuck and small so they can run towards what makes them feel worthy, powerful, and balanced.

Therapy is a safe space to explore what is holding you back and learn practical skills to manage stress, reframe negative thinking, stop anxious thoughts, regulate your emotions, and accept what cannot be changed. You will identify exactly what you need and learn to communicate those needs effectively.

I will guide you towards a deeper understanding of what is causing overwhelm and teach you real skills to create lasting change to stop anxiety and stress once and for all. 


  • Better understand your anxiety triggers

  • Learn strategies to manage stress in a healthy way

  • Identify and challenge negative thought patterns

  • Increase resilience so you can roll with life's punches 

  • Develop concrete ways to challenge anxious thoughts

  • Stop behaviors that no longer make you feel good


  • Everyone feels anxiety symptoms at some point in life. For some people, it is merely situational and disappears when a stressful event passes. But for many, anxiety is life-changing and negatively affects several areas of life. Common anxiety symptoms and signs can include:

    Feeling nervous, tense, or on edge

    Restlessness or irritability

    Rapid heart rate or palpitations

    Sweating or trembling

    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    Stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea

    Headaches or muscle tension

    Difficulty concentrating or feeling easily distracted

    Fatigue or sleep disturbances

    Avoiding certain situations or activities due to fear or worry

    These symptoms can range in severity and may be more or less intense depending on the individual and the situation. It's important to note that anxiety symptoms can also be a sign of other physical or mental health conditions, so it's important to talk to a healthcare provider if you're experiencing any concerning symptoms.

  • Anxiety and stress are related, but they are not the same thing.

    Stress is a normal physiological response to a perceived threat or challenge, whether real or imagined. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including work, relationships, financial difficulties, or health issues. Stress can be acute, meaning it occurs in response to a specific event, or chronic, meaning it is ongoing and long-lasting.

    Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear that is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. Anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, genetics, and traumatic life experiences. It can be generalized, meaning it is a persistent feeling of anxiety that is not tied to a specific event, or it can be triggered by specific situations or objects, such as social interactions or flying on a plane.

    Anxiety and stress become problematic when they impact your life in a negative way and prevent you from your typical activities, trying new things, and impact your relationships, work, or self-esteem.

    While stress is a normal and natural response to challenging situations, anxiety is an excessive or persistent sense of worry or fear that can interfere with daily functioning. Both stress and anxiety can have physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms, but anxiety tends to be more intense and longer-lasting than stress.

    It may be tricky to tell the difference between being anxious and stressed but rest assured therapy can give you skills to manage both.

  • Anxiety is a natural human response to stress, and it is normal to experience some degree of anxiety at certain times in life. The good news is that anxiety is typically treatable, and many people who seek treatment are able to manage their symptoms effectively. Treatment may involve a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

    While some people may experience a complete resolution of their anxiety symptoms, others may find that anxiety is a chronic condition that requires ongoing management. It's helpful to approach anxiety management as a journey and learn how to deal with anxiety and stress rather than aiming for complete elimination.

  • Here are a few examples of how anxiety therapy interventions offer practical tools and strategies for clients to manage their symptoms effectively:

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Imagine a client who experiences frequent anxious thoughts about being judged by others. A CBT approach would involve helping them recognize these negative thought patterns and challenge them. For instance, if the client thinks, "Everyone is watching and judging me," the therapist might encourage them to gather evidence for and against this belief. Through this process, the client may come to realize that their fears are often unfounded, which can lead to reduced anxiety in social situations.

    Mindfulness Techniques: Let's consider a client who often finds their mind racing with worries about the future. The therapist may introduce mindfulness exercises to help the client stay present. For instance, they might guide the client to focus on their breath, sensations in their body, or the sights and sounds around them. This practice helps the client become more grounded in the present moment, reducing anxiety about what might happen in the future.

    Relaxation Exercises: Think of a client who experiences physical symptoms of anxiety, such as muscle tension and a racing heart. The therapist can teach relaxation techniques like deep breathing. In this case, the client might be instructed to take slow, deep breaths and consciously relax their tense muscles. Over time, these exercises can help the client manage the physical manifestations of anxiety and feel more at ease.

  • The frequency of therapy sessions for anxiety typically ranges from once a week to once every two weeks depending on your individual needs and progress. We will work together to determine the best schedule for your treatment goals.

  • In a therapy session with me, you can look forward to a relaxed and private setting where you can freely share your thoughts and feelings.

    I am an anxiety therapist ready to offer support and advice. These sessions are your chance to dig into your issues, set some goals, and brainstorm practical strategies for personal growth and healing.

    Therapy is a no-judgment zone where you'll discover more about your emotions and behaviors and make real progress on your path to feeling better.

  • If you have tried to get anxiety help before and are still dealing with anxiety we will review what worked and what didn’t for you so that you don’t end up stuck again.

You Don’t Have to Live With Anxiety and Stress