Orlando, Florida & Portland, Maine

Abortion | Stillbirth | Miscarriage | Blighted Ovum | Molar Pregnancy | Termination of a Desired Pregnancy for Medical Reasons | Missed Miscarriage | Ectopic pregnancy | Accidental Death | Preterm Delivery | Unexplained Infant Death | Chemical Pregnancy | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | Selective Reduction


After a pregnancy or infant loss, your heart is shattered.

Suddenly, your world feels uncertain and you’re filled with anxiety and worry.

You're trying to find your way back to “normal” and asking “will I ever feel like myself again?”

Some days you think you’re doing better and then out of nowhere grief comes and knocks you back down.

It seems like the whole world has moved on without you. People think you should be “over it.” 

Nobody understands what you are going through. You feel isolated and alone.

You don’t have to grieve alone!


You’re overwhelmed by the intensity of so many emotions…sadness, rage, shock, and anger.

Your thoughts are consumed with “how could this have happened to me?” Or, maybe you’re struggling with guilt or shame.

Nobody warned you that grief fills you with intense anxiety making you feel out of control.

You worry about so much… ”what if it happens again? what if people forget my baby? what did I do wrong?” 

You avoid places that remind you of your baby and replay the traumatic memories of your loss.

Grief has made it impossible to sleep or eat. Simply getting out of bed feels like too much most days.

You’re struggling to focus and concentrate. You can’t keep up with work and your other responsibilities.

A thick layer of depression has covered your days. Things that used to bring you joy no longer feel important. 

Family and friends try to comfort you but it feels like they are rushing you to “get over it.”  

You feel that your grief has become a burden to those around you.

Your grief is not a burden and you are not alone!


You're heart is broken and you’re wondering if therapy can really help. Grief and loss therapy can offer you:

  • A non-judgmental and supportive environment to grieve at your own pace

  • Healthy tools to process and express the complex and intense emotions that come with grief

  • Positive coping strategies to manage triggers and anxiety

  • Skills to identify what you need and how to ask for support from people around you  

  • Ways to incorporate your spiritual or religious beliefs into your healing proces

Start healing today!


I specialize in helping adults who are grieving the loss of a pregnancy or infant and need unconditional support as they heal.

You want someone who understands that the loss of a pregnancy or infant is unbearable and unlike other losses.

I understand because I have experienced both pregnancy and infant loss.

I also know that the idea of grief therapy can be intimidating and you may be wondering: 

  • Will every session be spent trudging through the pain and trauma I have experienced?

  • Can I ease into sharing my story because the pain is still too raw?

  • Am I allowed to laugh or express all my emotions including anger, jealousy, or rage? 

  • Will we talk about the other parts of my life, including those that may be positive?

Mourning takes time and I will never ask you to move faster than what feels safe. Compassionate healing incorporates all the emotions you may be feeling and all parts of your life.

Therapy will give you the tools you need to anticipate and navigate the unpredictable ups and downs of grief.

You will gain comfort in expressing your grief, better understand your emotions, and discover authentic ways to mourn the loss of your baby. 

Right now it may feel like you will never be ok. However, healing from pregnancy and infant loss is possible, and I will help you get there. 


  • Identify and manage triggering people, places, and thing

  • Integrate your loss into your life

  • Prepare for upcoming anniversaries and holidays

  • Address relationship and communication concerns 

  • Find meaningful ways to honor your child and keep their memory alive


  • It's natural to experience grief after the loss of a loved one or a significant life event, and everyone processes grief differently. However, there are some signs that may indicate that you could benefit from therapy for grief and loss:

    You are experiencing intense or prolonged emotional or physical symptoms related to your grief, such as persistent sadness, anger, guilt, or anxiety, or physical symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, or loss of appetite.

    You feel stuck or overwhelmed by your grief and are struggling to find ways to cope or move forward after a miscarriage, abortion, pregnancy, or infant loss.

    You have experienced multiple miscarriage in a short period of time, which can compound the impact of grief and make it more difficult to process.

    Your grief is impacting your ability to function in your daily life, including your work, relationships, or other important areas.

    You feel isolated or unsupported in your grief and could benefit from a safe and supportive environment to express your feelings and explore coping strategies.

    If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or challenges related to grief, seeking therapy can be a helpful way to manage your grief and find a path forward in your healing journey.

  • Grief and mourning are related terms but they refer to different aspects of the experience of loss.

    Grief is the internal and personal response to loss, which can include a range of emotional, physical, and psychological reactions. Grief may involve feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, or numbness, as well as physical symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and changes in appetite. Grief is a natural and normal response to loss, and everyone experiences it differently.

    Mourning, on the other hand, refers to the external and social expressions of grief, which are influenced by cultural and social norms. Mourning may involve rituals, ceremonies, or other public expressions of grief, such as wearing black clothing or participating in religious or cultural practices. Mourning can provide a sense of community and support for those who are grieving, and it can also help to facilitate the process of healing and acceptance.

    Task 1: Accepting the Reality of the Loss

    Integrating any loss happens slowly over time. Initially, you may experience a sense of disbelief, but then reality sets in as each milestone, anniversary, or life event passes and you once again have to adjust to your loss.

    Task 2: Processing the Pain of Grief

    Grief is the intense and uncomfortable emotions we experience after loss such as sadness, anger, and guilt. It can be tempting to avoid these feelings, burying them rather than facing them. However, processing your grief means confronting, naming, and making sense of these emotions.

    Task 3: Adjusting to a World Without Your Baby

    When your baby dies you are forced to adjust to many changes. These can range from minor changes in your routine or an entirely new worldview.

    External adjustments may be deciding what to do with the nursery

    Internal adjustments are changes to one’s identity. You may ask, “Who am I now?” You may also experience changes in self-esteem.

    Spiritual or religious adjustments may leave you questioning your beliefs, values, and the purpose of life.

    Task 4: Creating a Lasting Connection with Your Baby as You Adjust to Your New Life

    A lasting connection means finding a place for your baby that feels right for you. This looks like a healthy balance between cherishing their memory and moving forward in life.

    While they are distinct concepts, grief, and mourning are both important aspects of healing and moving forward after a loss.

  • The duration of therapy for grief and loss varies depending on a number of factors such as the nature and intensity of the loss, your personal coping style, and the frequency of therapy sessions.

    Some people may find relief after just a few sessions while others may benefit from longer-term therapy.

    It is important to keep in mind that grief is a complex process that does not have a set timeline, and healing from loss can take time. Additionally, therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the approach taken will depend on your specific needs and goals for therapy.

  • Yes, I provide grief counseling and support for individuals who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy due to abortion or medical termination. No matter the reason or the circumstances support after the loss of a pregnancy is important.

    My goal is to provide a safe place for you to process all of your grief without fear of judgment.