Infertility and Sex: 5 Ways To Keep Sex Fun

couple in bed, man kissing woman's forehead

Infertility can change the way you look at sex. When you’re trying to conceive and having trouble, sex can feel more like a chore, or even a source of anxiety. Instead of treating it as a deep connection with your partner or something you both can enjoy, it becomes something that makes you miserable, knowing the slim likelihood of getting pregnant. 

But, infertility doesn’t have to ruin your sex life. You can still enjoy it and have fun with your partner during your most intimate moments. If that seems easier said than done, you’re certainly not alone. There are things you can do to keep things fun and lift some of the emotional weight that often comes with infertility. Let’s cover a few of those ideas.

1. Be More Spontaneous

When couples have been trying to conceive – even unsuccessfully – it’s not uncommon to put sex on a schedule. Maybe it’s something you do weekly, or on a specific day. While that’s not a bad idea for conceiving, it’s not great for keeping things lively and fun. 

So, for now, consider ditching your schedule and being more spontaneous with your sex life. Let your partner know when you’re in the mood, no matter what it is. Send them a suggestive text message during the day, or be open about what you want over dinner. Spontaneity is a great way to add a spark to your sex life and have a lot of fun along the way.

2. Date Your Partner

Sex doesn’t have to be the main focus of your intimate relationship. Think about when you first started dating and having a baby wasn’t on the table. You probably went on plenty of dates with your partner, and sex may have been something that happened naturally because you had a good time. 

It’s okay to go back to that mindset. 

Go on dates and do some of the things you used to do. Dating your partner, no matter how long you’ve been together, will help to re-establish a connection and can make your relationship stronger – in and out of the bedroom. 

3. Have Fun During Sex

If you’ve been trying to conceive, you may not have been thinking about things like foreplay or even the fun and excitement of sex itself. 

Now is a good time to change that. 

You’ll take the pressure off yourself and your partner by introducing fun back into the bedroom. Don’t have sex with some kind of “goal” in mind. Instead, take your time and try things you know you’ll both enjoy.

4. Get to Know Your Body

Infertility can leave you feeling disconnected from your own body from a sexual standpoint. Take some time to get to know yourself again. What do you like? What do you not like? 

Feeling comfortable with yourself and your preferences in the bedroom is a great way to make things fun with your partner again. You’ll gain more confidence, enjoy yourself more, and you won’t have to think about your sex life as something causing unnecessary pressure.

5. Share Your Feelings With Your Partner

At the end of the day, you and your partner are in this together. 

Infertility can make any couple feel like their relationship is strained. Open up to your partner about what you’re really feeling. Be vulnerable. Let them know if you’re hurting and where you’re struggling. You might be surprised to learn they’re feeling some of the same things. 

Focusing on that kind of vulnerability and intimacy will strengthen your relationship, and can also make your sex life more meaningful and enjoyable again. 

Infertility is never an easy thing to deal with. But, it doesn’t mean your sex life is ruined. Keep these ideas in mind to have fun and enjoy yourself in the bedroom again. 

Counseling for Infertility

If your sex life is not what it used to be and infertility may be the reason it may be time to consider infertility therapy. If you have questions or want to know how I can help, I offer a 15-minute consultation. Please reach out today!


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