Orlando, Florida & Portland, Maine


You always dreamed of being a parent but never imagined it would be this painful.

You’re trying everything you can think of to conceive. Infertility has taken over and it feels like you have lost all control over your life.

So much uncertainty has filled you with anxiety and fear. The stress is too much! 

Jealousy, anger, and resentment have shown up. Everyone around you is able to get pregnant! 

Your body is betraying you. You are consumed with guilt thinking this is all your fault. 

You wonder if your relationship can survive the strain of infertility.

You have poured everything you have into trying to conceive but nothing is left for you.

 You don’t have to be isolated and alone with your pain!


It started out by giving up easy things like caffeine and alcohol. 

Next, you stopped your intense workouts, started taking handfuls of supplements every day, drank bitter tea, and ate only organic. 

Slowly you stopped spending time with friends because the conversations just got too painful. 

Now it is impossible to plan anything between testing and treatments. Vacations are not in the budget and spontaneity is long gone. Your life is on hold. 

You feel inadequate and that you’re a failure. Each failed treatment screams “this is your fault!” 

You worry that your relationship may not survive infertility. You each have different emotional needs and it's hard to prioritize each other. 

You struggle to focus on work. You’re just not in the game.

You lay awake at night…the anxious thoughts won’t leave you alone.

The treatments are having significant effects on your body and you don’t recognize yourself.

Depression has settled in. You’re filled with profound sadness and grief that makes each day difficult.

Let’s work together to focus on what you can control and release the things you can’t!


You’re asking yourself just how much more you can take and wonder if therapy can really help you. Imagine…

  • An empowering space to navigate the overwhelming emotions and decisions involved in infertility

  • Learning to accept uncertainty and reduce your anxiety 

  • Having a safe and supportive space to work through the grief and loss

  • Developing coping skills to manage the challenges of infertility, such as anxiety, depression, and relationship strain

  • Improving communication skills and strengthening relationships

  • Learning to prioritize self-care and developing healthy coping strategies

    It’s time to go from surving to thriving!


I specialize in helping parents and parents to be who are consumed by infertility stop feeling anxious, isolated, overwhelmed, and learn healthy ways to balance life and infertility.

You want a therapist who understands the unique pain of infertility and offers effective strategies to give you relief from the constant overwhelm. You want to feel like yourself again.

Therapy will give you the support you need to navigate the emotional ups and downs of infertility. We will explore your feelings and the impact infertility is having on your life. 

You will develop coping strategies and stress management techniques to help you manage your emotions and tools to communicate effectively with your partner or loved ones about infertility.

You will learn to identify what you can control even during moments of uncertainty. You will develop resilience that will give you the strength to keep going.

Therapy is your time to take care of yourself and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.


  • Reduce feelings of isolation 

  • Find ways to navigate common triggers 

  • Find a sense of balance in a world of uncertainty 

  • Prioritize self-care

  • Learn strategies to manage stress and anxiety

  • Address relationship and communication issues

  • Build resilience to cope with stress and challenges


  • You may be experiencing a wide range of emotions such as grief, anxiety, depression, and stress. Here are some signs that you may benefit from therapy to help you when you’re dealing with infertility:

    You are experiencing anxiety or depression related to infertility.

    You are experiencing relationship problems or communication difficulties with your partner due to infertility.

    You feel isolated, unsupported, or misunderstood by friends and family.

    You are experiencing a sense of loss, grief, or anger related to infertility.

    You are having difficulty making decisions related to infertility treatment or family-building options.

    You are experiencing physical symptoms related to stress and anxiety, such as insomnia, headaches, or digestive problems.

    Working with an infertility therapist can provide you with a safe and supportive space to process your emotions and develop healthy coping strategies.

  • Yes, you can still go to therapy even if your partner does not want to participate. There are no easy fixes for infertility or the emotional toll that trouble getting pregnant takes, and we all process it in different ways.

    Individual therapy can be a valuable tool to help you manage your own emotions, identify patterns in your behavior and relationships, and develop coping strategies.

    Counseling can be a meaningful and effective way to process feelings, enhance communication skills, and combat feelings of isolation.

    Additionally, therapy can help you find ways to remain connected and mutually supportive of one another during the struggles of infertility.

  • I encourage you to approach your mental health the same way you’re approaching your reproductive health. Just as your physical self requires treatment and support, so do your mind, heart, and emotions.

    Also, you may have insurance coverage for therapy.

    With online counseling, you don’t have to waste time driving to therapy. All you need is a private and comfortable space and a device that connects to the internet!

    Infertility counseling can be a valuable investment on this journey, offering you coping and communication skills that can last you a lifetime.

  • Absolutely, you can seek counseling for infertility even if you're not ready to start any medical treatment. Many people find it helpful to address the emotional and psychological aspects of trying to get pregnant, regardless of where they are in their journey.

    When you feel ready, we can explore your feelings and concerns about infertility treatment and develop helpful strategies for the emotional ups and downs of trying to conceive.

  • An infertility counselor can be a valuable resource when you're trying to get pregnant. Infertility counselors can:

    Offer Emotional Support: Going through fertility challenges can be emotionally taxing. A counselor can help you process your emotions.

    Provide Coping Strategies: They can teach you effective coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, anger, and grief that may arise during your journey.

    Teach Communication Skills: Infertility can strain relationships and an infertility counselor can help you learn positive communication skills to express your needs and reduce conflict.

    Guide Decision-Making: Assist in making informed decisions about fertility treatments, options, and family-building choices.

    Remember, seeking counseling doesn't mean you have to be at a particular stage in your fertility journey; it can be helpful at any point.

  • Infertility counseling can be beneficial even if you decide to stop trying to get pregnant. Here's how it can help:

    Emotional Closure: Infertility can be emotionally and psychologically challenging. Counseling can provide a safe space to process your feelings, grieve any losses, and find emotional closure as you transition to a different path or family-building option.

    Exploring Alternatives: A counselor can help you explore alternative paths to parenthood, such as adoption or surrogacy, and provide guidance on these options.

    Relationship Support: Infertility can put a strain on relationships. Counseling can assist in navigating these challenges and improving communication with your partner, regardless of the direction you choose.

    Identify and Self-Esteem: Define your identity moving forward and boost your self-esteem as you transition to a different life plan.

    Decision-Making: If you're considering stopping efforts to get pregnant, a counselor can help you make informed and emotionally healthy decisions about what comes next.

    Infertility counseling can provide valuable support and guidance as you make decisions and adjustments regarding your family-building goals.

Feel Empowered On Your Path to Parenthood


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