Alternative Family Building

mother looking over baby

When you’re in a committed relationship or marriage, it’s normal to eventually want to grow your family. For many people, that means making the commitment to have children. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. 

Thousands of woman struggle with infertility issues, and men can deal with reproductive problems, too. If one partner in a relationship can’t reproduce, it can end up causing a lot of stress, disappointment, and uncertainty about the future of the family you want. But, not being able to have children (or not wanting to do it on your own) doesn’t mean you can’t build your family. 

If you’re ready to grow your family unit, there are plenty of alternate ways to do it. That includes things like adoption, fostering, or using a surrogate. How do you know when it’s time? When should you consider alternative ways to build your family? 

You and Your Partner Are Both on the Same Page

Deciding you’re ready to grow your family is a big step in any relationship. Maybe you and your partner have been ready, in a traditional sense, for a while. But, considering alternative ways to grow your family is different, and it requires you both to be ready in several new ways. 

First, you have to decide if you’re ready for the challenges that can come from things like fostering children, adopting, or using an alternative conception method. They all are unique in their own ways, and you have to determine which route to go, and what will make you both most comfortable. 

Additionally, you both have to be in a place where you’ve moved on from traditional methods. Maybe you’ve been trying for months (or longer) to have a child on your own but haven’t been able to. That can be a hard thing for some people to accept and work through. While considering other options can be healing in some ways, it’s not fair to force yourself or your partner into it. 

You’ve Done Your Research

You have to be fully committed when it comes to building your family in different ways. Things like adoption and surrogacy can be expensive and time-consuming. More importantly, though, they can be emotionally taxing. 

Do your research on different ways to grow your family to determine which is best for you. The more familiar you are with these alternative methods, the easier it will be to feel more in control and less overwhelmed. 

You Understand Your Desire to Grow

If your desire to build your family is greater than simply having a baby of your own, you’re a perfect candidate for alternative methods. So many people who choose to adopt or have children another way know they have a lot of love and care to give, even if a child isn’t biologically theirs. 

Some people want children of their own, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, when your desire to grow your family and share your love is greater than the idea of having a biological child, it’s a good time to look at different methods that will get you there. With so many kids already in foster care and up for adoption, the perfect one is out there for you. 

No matter how you decide to build your family, don’t rush. It’s not an easy decision and certainly not something to take lightly. The more willing you are to think things through and decide what’s best for you, your partner, and your future, the more secure you’ll be in your decision. 

Still not sure whether you’re ready? Feel free to contact me with your feelings and/or concerns, and we’ll work through them!

Individual Counseling

Dealing with infertility is exhausting and you may feel ready to consider alternative ways to build the family you have always dreamt of having. infertility therapy is a safe place to explore your feelings, thoughts, and worries about alternative options to build your family.

To schedule a free, 15-minute consultation or to find out more about how I can help, Please reach out today!


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