Anxiety: What Are The Top 5 Symptoms?

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Do you experience symptoms that you think could be anxiety but you're just not sure? Have you talked to your friends about your anxiety symptoms and everybody has a different answer to what anxiety symptoms could be? Are these anxiety symptoms starting to cause you worry or concern? 

Anxiety symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. The cause of anxiety may also be very different for each person; a job interview, a medical exam, a first date, finances, and of course, let's not forget COVID. 

There are also different types of anxiety; panic disorder, which can cause panic attacks, specific phobias such as fear of insects, generalized anxiety which causes distress is excessive worry with no specific origin, and social or separation anxiety. The anxiety symptoms associated with these diagnoses often interfere with either work, social functioning, or other areas of life and share some of the same symptoms. 

The Top 5 Anxiety Symptoms 

  1. Excessive Worrying- feelings of irrational worry that last more than 6 months. Keeping thoughts under control can be challenging even if you know the thoughts are not rational. 

  2. Trouble Sleeping/Restlessness- inability to fall asleep or stay asleep because your brain won’t turn off. Laying in bed tossing and turning, going over the same images in your mind, overwhelmed by your list of tasks that need to be completed.

  3. Difficulty with Concentration- feelings of impending doom are taking over as you get closer to going to the doctor. You find yourself at school or work unable to focus on the task at hand. 

  4. Chest Pains & Shortness Of Breath- you find yourself unable to breathe, feeling like there is a heavy weight on your chest, are you having a heart attack? 

  5. Irritability & Tension- always being on edge, preoccupied, and hyper-vigilant can cause feelings of irritability. 

If you’re feeling any of these symptoms of anxiety frequently, you may wonder what can be done. This is where finding a counselor near you or online may be worth considering. The simple act of talking about your anxiety symptoms is often a source of relief. A counselor can help you identify the source of your anxiety symptoms, how exactly they impact your daily life, and develop a treatment plan to help you regain control. Often, learning how to identify, stop, and restructure your anxious thoughts will be the first step. For some people their anxiety symptoms will best be addressed with both counseling and medication. Remember: no two people are alike. 

If your anxiety symptoms are becoming too much for you to manage alone it may be time to consider anxiety therapy. If you have questions or want to know how I can help, I offer a 15-minute consultation. Please reach out today!


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