Grief After an Abortion

Grief After Abortion Sign

Abortion has been a hot-button issue for years in the political world. But, until you’re faced with the decision of going through one yourself, you might not fully understand the process or how emotionally taxing it can be.

Deciding to have an abortion for any reason is a difficult decision. It can be traumatic for some women, and if you’re doing it for medical reasons or because you’re not at a place in life to have a baby, it’s not uncommon to grieve the loss of life. 

It’s okay to feel that grief. Working through it and finding a healthy way to cope and recover is okay. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your loss and you need help coping, try some of the following suggestions to keep moving forward.

Set Aside Time for Grief

Because abortion is such a hot topic nowadays, you might think it’s something completely normal and that you should get over it and move on in a day or two. For some women, that might be a day. For others, it can take weeks to start feeling like yourself again finally. But, no matter how you feel about the process, it’s important to understand that it’s still a loss, and you can give yourself the time you need to grieve. Don’t let the media, friends, family, or anyone else give you a timeline for your grief.

Practice Self-Care

It’s essential to take care of your physical and emotional well-being after going through an abortion. While the procedure doesn’t last long, you’ll need plenty of rest afterward. However, don’t let yourself fall into the trap of staying in bed in a depressive state for days. When you’re feeling physically up to it, incorporate different aspects of self-care into your routine that will benefit your physical and mental health. Get out of the house, spend time in nature, and go for a walk. Cook yourself a healthy but comforting meal, take a warm bath, or do some light stretching. 

Find Ways to Move Forward

Again, no matter how you feel about abortion, it’s not uncommon for some negative thoughts to try to make their way into your mind. One of the best ways to stop those thoughts in their tracks is by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is a great way to move forward and let go of invasive thoughts reminding you of the past. You can make mindfulness a part of your daily routine or use it as needed. Simply close your eyes and focus on the present. Breathe deeply and take stock of how you feel at that very moment. Just a few minutes of mindfulness can make a big difference in helping you go through the stages of grief in healthy, effective ways.

Reach Out for Help

There’s no doubt that there is still some stigma surrounding abortion. So, you might not know who you can talk to about the procedure. If you do have a partner, friends, or family members you can trust, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. If you don’t have someone you’re comfortable opening up to, consider reaching out to a therapist. Sometimes, having a shoulder to lean on and someone to listen to your struggles is all you need to work through your grief.

Abortion is often viewed as something you have to go through alone, but that isn’t necessarily the case. While the process itself can be a bit unnerving and isolating, healing from it doesn’t have to be. If you’ve recently had an abortion and you’re grieving the loss, don’t hesitate to schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!


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