Postpartum Anxiety: How to Notice the Signs & Symptoms

Mom holding baby with eyes open

Most people have at least heard of Postpartum Depression (PPD) and understand the common symptoms. There are differences between PPD and the “baby blues” that are important to understand so that women struggling with it can get the help and care they deserve. However, fewer people are often aware of another serious mental health threat that can impact women after giving birth—postpartum anxiety. Postpartum anxiety impacts anywhere from 15-20% of women, though it’s not often as easily recognized as PPD. Unfortunately, it can wreak havoc on your mental state and create feelings of worry that inhibit you from being the kind of new mother you want to be.

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the signs and symptoms of postpartum anxiety. Being able to recognize these signs early on will make it easier to get the support you need and overcome your worries.

What to Look For

Some of the most common signs of postpartum anxiety include: 

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Digestive issues (nausea)

  • Muscle tension

  • Increased heart rate

You might also experience emotional symptoms like irritability or fearfulness. Many women dealing with this type of anxiety struggle with racing thoughts. Others might obsess over certain things and deal with irrational fears that won’t go away. Obviously, as those fears take over, it can be difficult to stay calm and find peace. 

That’s not exactly what a new mother wants to deal with when caring for a little one. Struggling with these symptoms every day isn’t just a distraction—it can be paralyzing.

What Causes Postpartum Anxiety?

There isn’t just a single cause when it comes to postpartum anxiety. Research suggests that women with a history of anxiety or depression might be more at risk. Those with certain personality types or women who have been through child loss in the past might also be more prone to experiencing it. 

However, even if your risk is low, you can still develop anxiety after giving birth. Changes in your hormones, a lack of sleep, and new overwhelming feelings of responsibility can all trigger anxiety in some women. 

Unfortunately, it can be hard to pinpoint because it doesn’t necessarily need to start right away. Some women might start to experience these symptoms immediately after giving birth. For others, they might not show up until the baby is a few months old. 

Finding Treatment

The most important thing to do if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above is to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. There isn’t a diagnostic tool for this type of anxiety. However, your physician will likely ask you questions about it and might use certain screening tools to decide. Don’t feel embarrassed to talk about your symptoms. Postpartum anxiety does not make you a bad mother. There’s no reason to be ashamed of what you’re dealing with. Instead, be as open and honest with your doctor as possible.

When it comes to treatment, a combination of therapy and lifestyle changes/choices can help. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often the best choice for dealing with postpartum anxiety. You can learn where your emotions stem from and how to change any negative thought patterns contributing to your anxiety. Things like leaning on friends and family, finding a support group, and practicing self-care can also make it easier to manage your symptoms.

If you’re dealing with postpartum anxiety, don’t ignore your symptoms. Reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional as soon as possible, and you can overcome those feelings of worry and fear and get back to being the best mother you can be to your baby.  Schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!


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