Selfcare Resolutions to Help Anxiety in the New Year

person laying by lake with candle lamp at dusk

The new year is just around the corner. For many people, that means it’s a time to set goals and make resolutions. Unfortunately, studies have shown that a huge percentage of New Year’s resolutions fail within just a few weeks. There are a lot of factors that play into that, from setting unrealistic expectations to losing the motivation to complete your original goal. 

When you have anxiety, however, it should always be a priority to manage it in the healthiest ways possible. So, this year, consider making your resolutions about self-care. Doing so could help your anxiety and make it easier to kick off the year on the right foot. 

Not sure how to get started or which resolutions to make? Let’s cover a few ideas that might help. 

Spend More Time Outside

Nature is an incredible healer. Multiple studies have showcased the mental health benefits of being outdoors. It reduces stress, improves your mood, and boosts energy levels. When you struggle with anxiety, spending more time outside can help to calm your racing thoughts. 

It’s also a great place to practice other self-care actions that can help with anxiety. Try exercising outdoors to get an even greater boost of endorphins. Or, practice meditation or mindfulness. The combination of deep breathing and focusing on the present with the healing benefits of nature can help you to feel more in control of your thoughts. 

Start Journaling

Journaling is a simple act of self-care that anyone can do. You don’t need to be an avid writer, and you don’t need to create lengthy entries. 

Carry a small journal around with you everywhere you go. When you start to feel anxious, pull it out and write down your thoughts. Putting them on paper can help you to focus on the present, and can calm you down right away. Plus, once you put your thoughts “out there,” they will often seem less powerful and overwhelming. 

Another great thing about journaling? It offers you a way to look back at how well you’ve managed your anxiety. Sometimes, seeing how far you’ve come can help you to stay motivated as you keep working to manage your symptoms. 

Keep a Routine

There’s no denying that we live in a busy world. People’s schedules are more jam-packed than ever. Unfortunately, that can wreak havoc on the idea of having a daily routine. Still, try to make it a priority. 

One of the issues many people with anxiety deal with is a lack of control. While you can’t control everything, you certainly have the power to decide what you do each day. Establishing a daily routine will provide you with a sense of comfort, control, and familiarity. 

What your routine looks like is up to you, of course. But, try to follow it each day, and make sure sleep is a priority when you’re putting it together. 

Take a Break

People are busy, even people with anxiety. But, being too busy can cause you to feel overwhelmed and burnt out on top of feeling anxious. Make sure to give yourself breaks each day. Do some stretches, spend a few minutes outside, or find other quick ways to do something good for yourself. Even a few short breaks can make a big difference in how you feel. 

You don’t need to wait until the new year to make resolutions or set self-care goals. But, if you want to, you can use the time leading up to it to decide what those goals could be. Write down a few self-care items that you think would make it easier to manage your anxiety. Use these ideas as inspiration and incorporate them as much as possible.

Anxiety Counseling

If your anxiety symptoms are becoming too much for you to manage alone it may be time to consider therapy for anxiety. If you have questions or want to know how I can help, I offer a 15-minute consultation. Please reach out today!


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