ADHD Focus Tips

We often associate ADHD with children, and while it’s more commonly diagnosed in kids, you can still struggle with it as an adult. While you might feel like you have more “control” over your ADHD today than when you were a kid, it can often be difficult for those with the condition to stay focused. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help improve your focus, whether you’re at work, school, or even with friends and family. 

Let’s cover a few tips to make focusing easier and boost that sense of control over ADHD. 

Dump Out Your Thoughts

For someone with ADHD, distractions are often the biggest enemy. They can take over your thoughts and make it feel nearly impossible to stay focused on one particular thing. Creating a “brain dump” is one of the fastest and most effective ways to remove distractions from your mind.

By dumping out your thoughts, you’ll eliminate a lot of those distractions at once, essentially freeing up space to focus on the subject at hand. One of the easiest ways to do this is by keeping a notebook with you. When a thought (or multiple thoughts) enters your mind and threatens to distract you, write it down. That will remove the need to focus on it immediately and allow you to think about it later.

Utilize Deadlines

Not every point of focus has a solid deadline in place. You might have a project in front of you with no real deadline, but you know you’re supposed to get it done in a timely manner. It can help to give yourself deadlines, anyway. Give yourself a “cut off” point to get things done. While it might create some pressure, that can often be a good way to force yourself to focus. Deadlines give you a goal. Once you achieve that goal, you’ll have better motivation to keep going and move on to the next thing rather than let your mind feel like it’s scrambling with a dozen different ideas.

Keep a Clean and Organized Space

It’s easy for anyone to get distracted when they’re working in a cluttered, disorganized space. Unfortunately, that problem becomes even worse for people with ADHD. Whether you’re working on a project or just trying to pay attention in a meeting, try eliminating distractions around you. That might mean clearing clutter and creating a more efficient space in your office or at home. In meetings or even talking with friends, it might include putting away your phone so you’re not tempted to check social media.

Use Relaxation Techniques

It’s not uncommon for people with ADHD to let their minds wander during conversations or meetings. That can be as frustrating as not being able to stay focused on a task or project. Sometimes, all you need is to relax. The more relaxed you are, the less likely it will be for your mind to feel overwhelmed with dozens of thoughts. Simple, quick techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness are all fantastic ways to calm those thoughts and relax right away. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a few minutes to calm down, even during a conversation. It can make a big difference in how focused you are. Whoever you’re talking to is likely to respect that you want to be able to give them your full attention.

If there’s a silver lining to ADHD, it’s that many of the symptoms are often manageable if you keep a few tips and tricks in your back pocket. Try some of these the next time you’re feeling distracted or like you can’t focus. If you are interested in support please reach out today!  Schedule your free 30-minute consultation today!


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