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Relationship Boundaries: 5 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries
Self-Esteem Britta White Self-Esteem Britta White

Relationship Boundaries: 5 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries

When you’re in a relationship with someone, it’s easy to adopt the attitude that your partner should be involved with everything in your life. That’s really up to you, but it’s not something either of you should assume. Relationships need boundaries. Even the closest couples with healthy relationships typically have boundaries established.

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Does Enmeshment Cause Codependency?
Self-Esteem Britta White Self-Esteem Britta White

Does Enmeshment Cause Codependency?

Most people have at least heard of codependency, and some have a basic understanding of what it looks like. However, fewer people are familiar with enmeshment. Understanding the basics of enmeshment and how it’s often linked to codependency can make it easier to determine what you, personally, might be dealing with. It can also help you recognize some signs that your partner might be codependent or dealing with enmeshment.

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