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ADHD Focus Tips

Codependency in Families

How Does Grief Affect the Brain

What Do I Want In a Relationship?

Grief After an Abortion

5 Ways to Prevent an Anxiety Attack

Panic Attack or Anxiety Attack? How to Know the Difference

Navigating Pregnancy After Birth Trauma

Part 2: How to Overcome Perfectionism
Perfectionism can completely take over your life if you let it. It can cause problems in your career, relationships, and even with your own family. Thankfully, there are things you can do to overcome perfectionism

Does Enmeshment Cause Codependency?
Most people have at least heard of codependency, and some have a basic understanding of what it looks like. However, fewer people are familiar with enmeshment. Understanding the basics of enmeshment and how it’s often linked to codependency can make it easier to determine what you, personally, might be dealing with. It can also help you recognize some signs that your partner might be codependent or dealing with enmeshment.

The Difference Between EMDR and Brainspotting
EMDR and Brainspotting have both seen a rise in popularity over the last several years. On the surface, they have similar characteristics. They can also both be used to help release trauma from your memories and eventually overcome the effects of that trauma. While both methods can be effective, they’re also more different than you might think.

6 Things Your Infertile Friends Want You to Know

6 Tips to Manage Anxiety Without Medication
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition across the globe. So, it should be no surprise that there are countless ways to help treat it and cope with the symptoms.

How Do You Test An Adult For ADHD?
How you can test for ADHD as an adult and when you should consider it.

What Causes Perfectionism?
Are some people more prone to perfectionism than others? Let’s take a closer look.

What are the Different Types of Codependency?
Most mental health professionals can offer a detailed understanding of what it is, but it’s not always easy to break that down into a singular definition. However, more recently, that’s changed.

Shame and Guilt: How They Compare
On the surface, it seems like shame and guilt can be used interchangeably. They both convey the same general idea about what someone is feeling. But, the two are actually very different.

Alternative Family Building
When you’re in a committed relationship or marriage, it’s normal to eventually want to grow your family. For many people, that means making the commitment to have children. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. But, not being able to have children (or not wanting to do it on your own) doesn’t mean you can’t build your family.

Coping with Anxiety: Drugs, Alcohol, and Sex
Some of the worst ways to cope with stress, trauma, or other mental health issues are drugs, alcohol, and sex. Do you often feel the need to “take the edge off” after a long day? Do you feel like you can’t be happy or unwind unless you’re under the influence of something? Do you use sex as a way to reduce stress or feel more like yourself?

Selfcare Resolutions to Help Anxiety in the New Year
The new year is just around the corner. For many people, that means it’s a time to set goals and make resolutions. Unfortunately, studies have shown that a huge percentage of New Year’s resolutions fail within just a few weeks.